
第四部分:. 公元200年
批准人:博士. Pamela J. Transue, 11/15/10


It is the policy of the College to undertake a program of 反歧视行动 designed to prohibit discrimination and provide equitable employment and equal access to its programs and services without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, marital status, status as a disabled or Vietnam era veteran, the presence of a sensory, mental or physical disability or genetic information.

The college further reaffirms its commitment to affirmative 行动 for Asian/Pacific Islanders, African Americans/Blacks, 拉美裔s, Native Americans/Alaskan Natives, women, and persons over 40, persons of disability and disabled and Vietnam era veterans.  It encourages College staff to strive to eliminate barriers to equal employment opportunity encountered by protected class members and improve employment opportunities available 给未充分利用的群体.

The Human 资源 administrator is responsible to establish and implement employment practices consistent with those prescribed for all agencies of the State of Washington.



Tacoma Community College shall classify its students as residents or non-residents 根据WAC 250.18、理事会通过的永久性规则和条例 《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》,下作修订.  学院应 develop regulations and procedures to assure that the residency of all students enrolled 在信用等级上是确定的.  国际学生必须遵守 移民要求.  (参见学费 & 学费减免政策)


The Running Start Program was authorized by the 1990 legislature as part of the educational “选择”项目.  这项立法允许学生选择获得双学分 高中要求和社区/技术学院学分通过 大学课程.

To be admitted to Tacoma Community College’s Running Start Program, a student must:

1.         年龄不得超过21岁.

2.         在华盛顿公立学校注册为大三或大四学生 高中.

3.         通过TCC的入门技能,阅读110和英语101达到或以上 评估测试程序.

4.         高中平均绩点是2分.5岁或以上.


高中平均绩点为2分的学生.5年级或没有高中成绩单 will be admitted provisionally, pending successful completion of one academic quarter.


TCC’s primary educational mission is focused on serving adults in an adult environment 这可能无法满足年轻学生的需求.  一般录取的例外情况 policy will be considered when a student has clearly excelled beyond the 高中 特定学科领域的水平和高级课程无法通过 any 高中 program (exceptions will not apply to foreign language courses unavailable 在高中).

The process for requesting an exception to the admissions policy is available in the 招生办公室或18号楼的起跑办公室.


The purpose of this policy is to comply with applicable state and federal law regarding affirmative 行动 and to establish policy to implement a successful program of affirmative 行动.


This policy applies to all employees of the college and applicants for employment.




Executive Order 93-07 – Affirming Commitment to Diversity and Equity in Service Delivery and in the Communities of the State, RE-Establishing 反歧视行动 and Prohibiting 国家工作场所的歧视.

第162卷WAC -人权委员会






RCW 41.06国家公务员法


反歧视行动 -雇主承诺的行动、政策和程序 旨在实现平等的就业机会.  平权行动义务 包括1)彻底、系统地努力防止歧视的发生 or to detect it and eliminate it as promptly as possible; and 2) recruitment and outreach 措施.

平权行动计划(AAP) – A plan by which a government contractor or employer sets forth specific affirmative 行动s to eliminate and remedy past discrimination against or underutilization of 保护类.  它不应意味着任何形式的配额制度.

美洲印第安人或阿拉斯加原住民 – a person with origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through documented tribal affiliation or community recognition.

亚洲/太平洋岛民 – A person with origins in any part of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast 亚洲、印度次大陆或太平洋岛屿.  例如,中国,日本, 韩国、巴基斯坦、菲律宾共和国和萨摩亚.

黑色/非裔美国人 -有非洲黑人血统的人.

残疾人 -联邦和各州的定义不同.  “残疾”一词可以代替“残疾” 下列定义中的术语障碍:

  1. The Federal 反歧视行动 and Equal Opportunity Definition – A person is disabled who: a) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities; b) has a record of such an impairment or c) Is regarded as (1973年《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》第503和504条) 以及《澳门威尼斯人在线赌场》).

The Washington State 反歧视行动 Definition – (1) "Disability" is short for the statutory term "the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability," 除非它是整个学期的一部分.

     (2) "The presence of a sensory, mental, or physical disability" includes, but 不局限于感觉、精神或身体状况的环境:




     A condition is a "sensory, mental, or physical disability" if it is an abnormality and is a reason why the person having the condition did not get or keep the job in question, or was denied equal pay for equal work, or was discriminated against in other terms and conditions of employment, or was denied equal treatment in other areas 受法规保护. 换句话说,为了执行的目的,一个人将 considered to be disabled by a sensory, mental, or physical condition if he or she 是否因病情而受到歧视而病情不正常.

残疾退伍军人 -根据美国法律有权获得残疾补偿的人.S. Department of Veterans Affairs for disability rated at 30 percent or more, or a person whose discharge or release from active duty was for a disability incurred or aggravated 在工作中.

平等就业机会 – The opportunity to obtain employment, promotions, and other benefits of employment without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, marital status, sexual preference, national origin, age, physical, sensory or mental disability or status 作为残疾人或越战老兵.

遗传信息 -包括有关个人基因检测和基因检测的信息 of an individual’s family members, as well as information about any disease, disorder, 或个人家庭成员的状况(例如.e. 个人的家庭医疗 历史). 家族病史包含在遗传信息的定义中 because it is often used to determine whether someone has an increased risk of getting 未来的疾病、紊乱或状况

拉美裔 – A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish 不分种族的文化或出身.  例如,来自巴西,圭亚那,或 other Surinam would be classified according to their race and would not necessarily 被归为西班牙裔.  此类别不包括来自 葡萄牙,应该按种族分类.

婚姻状况 -已婚、单身、分居、离婚或丧偶的法律地位.  It 不包括同居关系的考虑.

性取向 -异性恋、双性恋或同性恋.

白色/白种人 – A person with origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or 中东.

越战老兵 -服役超过180天的现役军人,任何部分 of which occurred between August 5, 1964 and May 7, 1975, and was discharged or released 不被开除军籍的.


